We are a small, private, family-styled primary and secondary school based in the heart of Suva in the Fiji Islands. We were originally founded in 2008.
The school's basis for the curriculum, pedagogy, and assessment is on established and proven scientific research on how best to teach our children in a way that is relevant to the 21st century. The theoretical foundation of our schools is the same as that used by Montessori and Waldorf-Steiner schools.
If you are interested in any of these:
Small class sizes (15 or less)
A pace of learning that goes according to your child's natural learning style.
Progressive assessments – a focus on real world activities.
Equipping children to thrive, not just survive as adults.
An integrated curriculum – maths doesn't just stay in the maths class.
An environmentally aware school teaching social & environmental responsibilities.
… then the Multiple Intelligence School is probably the right school for your child.
Our school is multi-cultural & multi-denominational. Our approach in terms of teaching style, is to instil in children an understanding of the worth of education.
We do this by emphasising experiential, collaborative as well as structured individual learning programmes.
We acknowledge that children are unique individuals and not factory pressed from the same mould. We understand that more often than not, letting children go at their natural pace, is often a 'quicker' route than trying to press them forward in a strict uniformed march.
Term 1: 27 January – 4 April
Term 2: 14th April – 13th June
Term 3: 30th June – 5th September
Term 4: 22nd September – 28th November
Prospective parents, start on this page.
Download our Handbook if you want to have the most detail about MIS.
MIS has advantages over more traditional schools. Find out why we think so here.
‘How & what’ we teach at MIS from here.
Have a look at the innovations that MIS is pioneering.
Take a look at some of the ‘quirkier’ side of MIS that actually has a strong unexpected educational rationale.
Fiji Ministry of Education registration number SF: 8239